International Women’s Day: Event Announcement


The JLC and Lead are delighted to be holding an event for International Women's Day 2022 in partnership with Jewish Women's Aid (JWA) and The Alliance of Jewish Women (AJWO). On Tuesday 8th March we will be bringing together a range of speakers to discuss some of the topics currently facing our community professionals and we want you to be there. This will be our first in person event (an online option will be made available for those that can't attend in person) since the pandemic started and we will be providing opportunities for you to meet with all the participants where we will encourage you to share best practices and your own experiences with one another. Please note it will be held at a NW London venue which will be confirmed to you upon booking.

Below is a timetable of the activities, please note there will be two sessions running at the same time and you can chose which one you would like to attend. We realise it can be difficult to take so much time out of your working day and it will be fine if you can only attend part of the day.

10.00 – 10.05am Welcome

10.05 – 10.55am Introductory Activity

10.55 – 12.00pm How has covid impacted the working woman and what can be done to help
Emma Codd, Global Inclusion Leader, Deloitte
Claudia Mendoza, Co CEO JLC


Giving a voice to those not in the room
Michelle Mitchell, Head of Strategic Collaboration, JLC
Abelia Leskin, Gender Advisor, World Jewish Relief
Karen Lewis, Client Services Manager, Jewish Women's Aid
Sarah Merriman, Service User, Langdon

12.00 – 12.45pm Lunch and further networking

12.45 – 1.50pm How can we create a more inclusive and diverse workplace
Lee Zucker, HR Manager, Kisharon
Dalia Fleming, Executive Director, KeshetUK


How to lead with confidence
Catherine Lenson, Trustee, University Jewish Chaplaincy and Managing Partner and Chief People Officer, SoftBank Vision Fund
Naomi Dickson, CEO JWA (Facilitator)

1.50-2pm Close

Book your place

Session information:

How has covid impacted the working woman and what can be done to help will focus on the advantages and difficulties faced by women over the last two years and how can organisations ensure the new way of working is a positive for all and not just some of its team.

Giving a voice to those not in the room will help participants understand how they can support the many women that are still voiceless in our community and beyond. How can we hear their voices better so that we can design and deliver services that are free from bias and preconceptions and will truly meet their needs. Panel conversation to include service user to give strong case of where this has been valuable.

How can we create a more inclusive and diverse workplace will be a conversational session discussing specific areas communal organisations can do better in to ensure the workplace is an inclusive space for women.

How to lead with confidence will look at how participants can improve their overall confidence when leading in the workplace. How can you challenge yourself to continue to develop your strengths, break barriers and be the leader you want to be.

Tickets will be £10 for those attending in person and £5 online. The in person price will include lunch and all online participants will receive something in the post!

These sessions will include crucial conversations which are vital to the continued success of our communal organisations and we encourage all professionals, no matter your gender identity, to attend and show your commitment to making a difference.

In person places will be limited to ensure this is a safe covid space so please book early to avoid disappointment. The booking link can be found here.


International Women’s Day


PaJeS to become independent of the JLC