Creating Sacred Communities


Lead, the Leadership Development Division of the Jewish Leadership Council, partnered with the London Jewish Forum for an online event that brought together 31 community leaders from 25 organisations from across the communal spectrum to learn together with Dr Ron Wolfson and Rabbi Brett Kopin about lessons they discovered in their new book ‘Creating Sacred Communities’.

Topics of community relationship building were explored including how we understand the new dynamics that include online gathering.  Participants also heard about how the communal leaders featured in their new book have engaged members and grown communities through relationship building, personal connections and being clear about what it means to be part of a community.

The conversation was hosted by Noeleen Cohen, Trustee of London Jewish Forum.  She described the event as “An extraordinary opportunity for clergy, professionals and lay leaders to be part of a masterclass in what we need now to create connected, relational communities that will thrive in a post-pandemic world.”

Michelle Janes, Co CEO of the JLC and Executive Director of Lead commented that “At a time when we are looking to re-build, re-connect and re-engage communities of all types, this learning will undoubtedly allow us to think more purposefully about how we do this.”


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