Celebrating our northern cohort graduates

June 10th in Manchester saw a very special gathering hosted by Lead Programme Manager Nick Young, where we held the graduation of local leaders from our major leadership programmes. Firstly, after a remote welcome from Lead Chair Debbie Fox, we celebrated the graduation of our first ever northern cohort of the Adam Science Leadership Programme for emerging lay and professional leaders. Oz Shtrosberg and Jo Roskin received their awards and certificates from Manchester Jewish Representative Council Chair Mark Adlestone and CEO Marc Levy. We also acknowledged Hannah Goldstone and Danielle Jefferies, fellow alum who were unable to be there on the night, and heard from Austen Science (father of Adam Science), who Zoomed in from Israel and spoke movingly about his son’s legacy which lives on through the development of young leaders in the community.

We then marked the achievements of Raphi Bloom, Director of Fundraising, Marketing and Communications at The Fed, who recently graduated from the Dangoor Senior Leadership Programme (DSLP). Raphi couldn’t attend his cohort’s graduation ceremony in London in March, but this was the evening when he received his certificate and award from The Fed’s Chair Bernie Yaffe. DSLP Co-Programme Director Michelle Janes also joined remotely, addressing both sets of graduates. In the photo, Raphi, Bernie and Nick are joined by fellow DSLP alum, Esty Bruck, and Deborah Britstone of the Rep Council.

The evening proved to be the most fitting epilogue to both programmes. Although not initially planned, it was wonderful for these leadership conversations and celebrations to take place in the heart of the local community in Manchester.

If you are interested in the next cohorts of our leadership programmes, please contact Nick at nick@thejlc.org.


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