JLC Announces New Members

The Jewish Leadership Council is pleased to announce Jewish Futures and Jewish Small Communities Network as its newest constituent members.

Founded over 30 years ago, Jewish Futures is one of the largest and leading organisations within the Jewish community’s education sector. They are an umbrella organisation which unites an array of Jewish educational charities and brands, immense in both size and impact, from volunteer charities to outreach groups. Their vision is to create a culture in which every Jew is actively connected and engaged with their authentic Jewish identity and loving it.

Their representative on Council, Rabbi Naftali Schiff, said: “We are honoured to bring the family of 10 Jewish Futures organisations in to join the Jewish Leadership Council, a cornerstone of Anglo Jewry. Particularly at this time of uncertainty and challenge, JLC’s mission of fostering unity, strength and mutual support within the Jewish community is of paramount importance. We are happy to play our part.”

The Jewish Small Communities Network advocates for the 65,000 people who identify as Jewish outside of the key metropolitan areas- around 25% of the total UK Jewish population. “Membership of the JLC offers the potential to make small and medium communities feel acknowledged on a national level, ensuring their voices are heard and bridges the gap for the thousands of Jews not formally connected to the community.” Their representative on Council will be Eddy Arram.

Ed Horwish, CEO of JSCN said: “Jewish Small Communities Network has had an incredible journey, from a tiny local project to fully fledged national charity serving 25% of the UK Jewish population. We now take the next steps to build our capacity and become a sustainable organisation fit to meet future challenges. We are proud and humbled to become a member of the JLC, ranked alongside the many other organisations working for British Jewry."

JLC CEO Claudia Mendoza said: “We are delighted to welcome these two great organisations to join our membership and look forward to working closely to amplify & magnify the work they are doing.”


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