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Courageous Conversations [SOLD OUT]

Unfortunately, Courageous Conversations is now sold out. If you would like to add your name to the waiting list, please e-mail Jo Goldsmith -

The forever changing role of the middle manager puts you in many situations where you need to have crucial conversations with those ‘below’ you and those ‘above' you, as well as your peers. The complexity of some of the issues you deal with alongside the changing power dynamics, depending on the role you are fulfilling at the time, requires multiple perspectives and a deep level of self awareness as well as the skills to say the right things in the moment. 

  • To help you have better conversations.

  • To help you deal with crucial conversations through 3 steps:

    • Understanding yourself, including your triggers

    • Understanding others you are dealing with, including recognising their potential triggers

    • Preparing and practising the skills required to have crucial conversations.

  • By the end of the workshop, delegates

    • Will be more confident about challenging conversations

    • Will be able to Know where to go for more information

    • Ability to use some of the ideas in their relationships

8 September

Team Dynamics

20 October

Agile Working